In an effort to curb corruption and create a corruption free environment at the licensing department, the Makhado Municipality Local Municipality in Louis Trichardt officially launched a touch screen learner's driving licence examination project on Tuesday 16th March 2010.
The system which the Department of Transport initiated seeks to curb corruption in the licensing departments at local municipal level. The Project was officially launched by the acting Municipal Manager of the Makhado Municipality, Mrs Sylvia Ndou. She said during the launch that the touch screen system will create a bribery free environment at the testing station.
People who are going to be examined for learner's drivers licences are expected to be scanned a right thumb for them to be identified as a person who have applied for the test. The new system also speeds up the process as the test is automatically marked immediately as soon as the applicant complete the test.
The examination room is equipped with circuit surveillance cameras. Ten applicants are examined per session and only six session will be held per day. Asked if people from the rural areas will be able to understand the new learners examination programme, Ndou said that they are going to liaise with the driving schools in the rural areas within the municipality so that they can be given laminated hand outs of what the system is all about. "This will make people who never used a computer to understand the touch screen system. The system is however not different from the booklet as questions and road signs are exactly the same as the once in the booklet. People can write the test in all the official languages in South Africa such as, Tshivenda, Afrikaans, English, Zulu, Swati, Xhosa, Sepedi etc.