
about us    BACKGROUND

The Municipality is located in the northern parts of Limpopo Province (coordinates 23° 00´ 00´´ S 29° 45´ 00´´ E) approximately 100km from the Zimbabwean border along the N1 Route. (See Locality Map below).The municipal area is 831 058 Hectares in size and strategically located on a macro scale along a major passage between South Africa and the rest of the African continent. Approximately 416 728 people currently reside within the Municipality and based on the vastness of the rural populace the municipality can be classified as predominately rural.

Quick Facts and Figures

Service Delivery Backlogs as at 2017
Population 416 728
Number of Households 116 371
Water Provision Backlog 35 623
Electricity provision Backlog 8880
Sanitation Backlog 35 210
Number of Households without refuse removal 104 681
Housing Backlog 16 207
Existing service Delivery Level
Number of Voters 225 059
Indigent Households 18 666
Households Receiving free basic Electricity 18 592
Households Receiving free basic Water 101 132
Debts owed to the Municipality R155 820 960

Demographic Information

The total population of Makhado has decrease from 516 031 in 2011 (Based on the 2011 census outcome) to 416 728 due to the new demacration of the municipality boundries. The number of households have also decrease from 134 889 households (census 2011) to 116 371 with about (145 147) registred voters. The Municipality is made up of 4 formal towns namely, Louis Trichardt, Vleifontein, Waterval and Dzanani with more than 200 villages. The main administrative office is situated in Louis Trichardt town with two supporting regional administrative offices in Dzanani, and Waterval.

The main administrative office is situated in Louis Trichardt town with three supporting regional administrative offices in Dzanani, Vleifontein, and Waterval.

The municipality has 38 ward councillors and 37 proportional councillors. There are 14 traditional leaders who are ex-officio members of the municipality council and 10 councillors who are members of the executive committee. The Municipality also has 38 established and fully functional ward committees.